
Monday, 10 August 2015

Uflex is going green with its Environmental Policy

Environmental concerns are gaining more and more concern with time. With nature in a declining state, it has become an increasing need to redress the problem. Following this consideration, Uflex has incorporated an environmental policy in its working techniques. The policy ensures that the company boosts its effectiveness without adversely affecting environment and pollution control. It also devises ways to beneficially contribute to the maintenance of the environment.

The environmental policy of Uflex states the following:

•Reduce resource and material wastage.
•Ensure to adopt the highest available environmental standards and follow the set environmental legislation.
•Wherever possible use reusable and recycled materials.
•Encourage the contribution of management and staff in the environmental performance of the company.
•Assess the environmental impact of all its operations and make necessary changes if needed.

With an emphasis on producing non-toxic, recyclable products, Uflex is ensuring that its processes of production minimize emissions that trigger negative climate change. Uflex is sincerely trying to reduce the adverse environmental effects of its products and is moving towards green packaging. 
Being one of the world’s leading packaging companies, Uflex is making sincere efforts to sustain a healthy environmental policy in its working. As environmental concerns are a part of the measure used to quantify a company’s sense of responsibility towards its society, Uflex’s efforts do not go unnoticed by its various stakeholders.

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